

游学日志- Jiayuan Li 2018-07-31T05:44:39.000Z

Today we visited the California science and Techno


青大附中 Jiayuan Li


Today we visited the California science and Technology Center, and the Egyptian Pharaoh's Pavilion. We played many technology games, especially the game that dug the river which was really fun. I learned a lot by these things.

I was most impressed by the aquarium. There were many kinds of fishes ...It was so beautiful.

We have also experienced a simulated earthquake.

We had chips and fish for lunch. They were really delicious.

In the afternoon, we visited Starlight avenue, Beverly Hills and Rodeo Drive. In Rodeo Drive, I saw the prosperity of the rich areas in Los Angeles, and I felt the difference between regions and regions.

Today is a happy day!I am so tired that I do not want to continue to write.

