

游学日志- Yongjie Yu 2018-07-30T21:16:53.000Z

We walked around the centre of Oxford almost all d


青大附中 Yongjie Yu


We walked around the centre of Oxford almost all day long.

After the simple breakfast, we took the bus to the centre. Because we live kind of far from there. The seats of the bus is more comfortable than that in China. When we arrived, the guide led us visit some colleges. And she told us that Oxford University is an organization. It is made up of many colleges.

Along the road, I found the buildings are beautiful. But I can feel a sense of age from them.

Then we dissolved and did our free activities. I ate and bought something. Finally, I went to the Black well Bookshop. It's the oldest bookshop in Britain, the biggest and the most excellent academic bookshop in the world. I also bought a book here.

It's a relaxing and busy day. And we will back to China tomorrow. Although there are something I didn't do, I am very satisfied with my study tour.
