

游学日志- Zhanyu Zhang 2018-08-02T10:23:11.000Z

Today is my thirteenth day in England and the last


青大附中 Zhanyu Zhang


Today is my thirteenth day in England and the last day of my class in England. I got up late this morning, so I went to class after bed.

Today we are talked about the knowledge of Harry and Potter. After that, we commencement ceremony. Speaking as a delegate to the stage, I did not have words, but the teacher said I was good.

After the speech, we went to dinner. After dinner, we went to Harry Potter's shooting place. They were all in different places, and they were amazing. After that, we went to a market, and we bought something around. Finally, we said goodbye to the teacher who had been with us for thirteen days, then went to the subway and got back to school to rest. Today is an exciting day!
