

游学日志- Zhanyu Zhang 2018-08-04T09:55:05.000Z

Time flies, and in the twinkling of an eye, the fo


青大附中 Zhanyu Zhang


Time flies, and in the twinkling of an eye, the fourth day I set my alarm clock did not call me up. I got up and arrived at 7:30. I didn't run in the morning and went straight to the dining room. After breakfast, the class began again.

Though a little boring, I learned a lot about afternoon tea. I ate a little at noon, because I wanted to prepare for afternoon tea. Before the afternoon tea, we visited a museum with many weapons and armor. Then, we began the most exciting afternoon tea. Although I learned a lot of knowledge in the morning, I completely forgot about it in the afternoon. I ate so much that I didn't have dinner. It's so happy to end today!!!
